Indian Summer

Grabbed this shot at The Bellagio Hotel for their Fall edition of the garden display. I go out and capture this every year. They have outdone themselves this year. I love that this is all made out of flowers.

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Here is the breakdown of what makes up this display |

45,000: Total number of flowers on display for the duration of the exhibit
20,000: Total number of preserved roses for each elephant blanket
2,600: Number of roses in each floral sculpture
125: Team members who participate in the display’s assembly
25 feet: Height of Mandap
24 feet: Height of floral arches with flames
14 feet: Height of elephants
25 feet: Length of tigers
24 feet: Height of talking tree
24 feet: Tropical blooming tree
16 feet: Diameter of floral sculptures
14 feet: Height of waterfall fairy
12: Number of varieties of chrysanthemums featured in the autumn display
7: Number of floral chandeliers

Dragon Fire

Earlier this year while wandering around Vegas, I found this 22-foot long dragon.  One of my favorite parts of Vegas is wandering around and finding all the new art installations that are scattered around town. I originally thought that 2018 was the year of the dragon, turns out it's the year of the dog. They probably just think it looks cool, I would agree. 

To buy a print/view more of my work, click the photo below.  

Down The Wormhole

This is a shot of a stained glass dome at The Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. I loved editing this photo, there are so many possibilities as I moved things around. Every time I look back at this photo I find something new. The most interesting photos to look at and process are something that catches your eye and keeps you coming back! 

To buy a print/view more of my work, click the photo below.